Dwelling on the middle peak of Mount Sumeru
Dwelling on the middle peak of Mount Sumeru
Durvasa states in lalithastavaratna "Let the gold mountain be victorious, whose body is made up of the whole universe,filled by the music of the divine ladies living in the golden creeper bowers of the mountain peak;we salute the three peaks of it which are seats of Brahma,Vishnu and Siva. In the middle there is another peak 400 yojanas in height, beautifying the place by golden rays of the flowers and I worship it"
Mount Sumeru has to be understood, for us to have a clear understanding of the srichakra and the the Goddess.
Srichakra (Meru) can be a miniature form of legendary Mt. Sumeru or Meru. Worship (puja) of Devatas starts with ‘Samkalp’ in which the devotee pronounces the country, town or place as well as its location with reference to an important mount and river nearby, year, season (rutuvu), month (maas) and day (vasara and thidhi) of his worship. Although the British renamed BHARAT as India, during their rule, yet a resident Indian refers the country’s geographical boundaries “Bharat Khande”, “Bharata Varshe’ and adds exact situation of Bharata Varshe’ that is south (Dakshina dikbaghe) to the Mount MERU. As Devatas and Devis (Hindu Gods and Goddess) are invisible, their idols are made in human form with divine attributes and are worshipped as can be seen in temples and houses. Instead of idol, geometrical ‘yantra’ is also made and worshipped. Yantra is carved in specified geometrical forms on gold, silver or copper plate.There are three kinds of Shree Yantra, Bhuprastha, Kurma Prastha and Meru Prastha. Shree Yantra that is plain is called Bhuprishtha -(Back of the Earth), one, which is raised on a tortoise back, is called "Kachchhap Prishtha" and that which is raised fully like the Sumeru Mountain is called Meru Prishtha like a Mountain .Kailas Range is situated at 31.00 N 82.00 E while Mt. Everest is at 28.05 N 86.58 E. Both the peaks are close to the centre of the earth (90 degrees). Thousands of years ago, the maharshis (saints who did long penances and acquired miraculous powers) could realize that the Mount Sumeru is at the centre of the earth.
Why was this place chosen to be the home of devi?with the mountain ranges on all sides and where peace and tranquility resides we find the goddess seated enjoying the serenity and it is said the gold mountains because of the suns rays on it glitters like gold and the sheer presence of goddess turns the mountains shimmering with the golden rays.The mention of mount meru is also seen in other puranas.Mention has been made of Meru hill and Kashmir in the ‘Skanda Purana’, particularly in ‘Lakshmi Sahasranamavali’ composed by saint Sanatkumara . It has been described Kashmira pura (the city of Kashmir) is the abode while Meru and Vindhya hills etc remain the favorite places for the Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi. This epic reveals that the name Srinagar (city of Goddess Lakshmi) was originated probably because Goddess Lakshmi has been described as ‘Kashmira pura vasini’ in Skanda Purana.
Both Meru and Kashmir have been mentioned in the epic. It is difficult to say the area of ancient Kashmira pura, a region in that period. Anyhow, the region retained the name Kashmir, though its area might have been reduced significantly. Possibility exists that Meru might be within the ancient Kashmir region in ‘puranic’ times (at the time these puranas were written). So the presence of meru and the beauty of landscape gives us an opportunity to understand her powers and the affection she has for mankind.
Both Meru and Kashmir have been mentioned in the epic. It is difficult to say the area of ancient Kashmira pura, a region in that period. Anyhow, the region retained the name Kashmir, though its area might have been reduced significantly. Possibility exists that Meru might be within the ancient Kashmir region in ‘puranic’ times (at the time these puranas were written). So the presence of meru and the beauty of landscape gives us an opportunity to understand her powers and the affection she has for mankind.