The mark of Kasturi on Devi's forehead is like a mark on the surface of the moon.I am the virtuous high-souled persons and she says, I am the female, male, and hermaphrodite.In devi Bhagavatam devi brings in this point Why is there so much of importance to the forehead and the kasturi .It is very subtly revealed about the ajna chakra.The concept of oneness is educated through this word, the concept of sada-shiva.so what is special about the place between the brows?
When one establishes himself in the place between the eyebrows he goes beyond all the kinds of desires thatmotivate life and impel one to move in many directions. All experience and ideas serve only to clarify one's perceptionsin Ajna Chakra. The plane of neutrality (Sarasvati) appears as a balance between solar and lunar energy within the body.
One now becomes one-pointed; he becomes knower of past, present and future. Ida and Pingala are time-bound; up to the fifth chakrathe yogi also is time bound, but as Ida and Pingala end here, the yogi moves into Sushumna, beyond time.He is now in a state of nondual consciousness.
Negative and positive, the components of duality, become equalized in Sarasvati, leaving a state of pure music and neutrality.Ida (Ganga, feminine, lunar) and Pingala (Jamuna, masculine, solar) nerve energies separate from the Sushumna channel at the Muladhara chakra, interwine up through all chakras and meet with the Sarasvati, becoming one at Ajna Chakra. This brings the sense of oneness and of unity with the cosmic laws that appear in the plane of austerity. They then again separate, running into the left and right nostrils.
The presiding deity is Ardhanarishvara, the half-male, half-female Shiva-Shakti, symbolic of basic polarity; the right side is male and the left side, female. Ardhanarishvara stands in a lingam known as Itara Lingam. The lingam is shining white, like the color of light. The male half of Ardhanarishvara has camphor-blue skin. He holds a trident in his right hand, representing the three aspects of consciousness : cognition, conation, and affection.
The female side of Ardhanarishvara is pink. She wears a red sari, and about her neck and arms are wound shining golden ornaments. She holds a pink lotus, a symbol of purity. All duality has ceased. Shiva has total command over all aspects of the self in this plane of liberation, or moksha. The third eye of Shiva is called sva-netra, the organ of clairvoyance. Becoming Sada-Shiva, the eternal one, Shiva is no longer separate from Shakti as a separate male entity. Devata Shiva is the granter of knowledge. This knowledge brings the breath (prana) and the mind under control of Ardhanarishvara.
The energy is Hakini. Hakini Shakti has four arms and six heads. Her skin is pale pink, and her jewelry is golden and shines with gems. Wearing a red sari, she sits on a pink lotus with her left foot raised. She imparts the knowledge of unconditional truth, the awareness of nonduality.It is sublime and eternal bliss,that is why in every literature of the goddess the chakra ajna is given importance repeating it over and over again the concept of oneness.
The mark of Kasturi on Devi's forehead is like a mark on the surface of the moon.I am the virtuous high-souled persons and she says, I am the female, male, and hermaphrodite.In devi Bhagavatam devi brings in this point Why is there so much of importance to the forehead and the kasturi .It is very subtly revealed about the ajna chakra.The concept of oneness is educated through this word, the concept of sada-shiva.so what is special about the place between the brows?
When one establishes himself in the place between the eyebrows he goes beyond all the kinds of desires thatmotivate life and impel one to move in many directions. All experience and ideas serve only to clarify one's perceptionsin Ajna Chakra. The plane of neutrality (Sarasvati) appears as a balance between solar and lunar energy within the body.
One now becomes one-pointed; he becomes knower of past, present and future. Ida and Pingala are time-bound; up to the fifth chakrathe yogi also is time bound, but as Ida and Pingala end here, the yogi moves into Sushumna, beyond time.He is now in a state of nondual consciousness.
Negative and positive, the components of duality, become equalized in Sarasvati, leaving a state of pure music and neutrality.Ida (Ganga, feminine, lunar) and Pingala (Jamuna, masculine, solar) nerve energies separate from the Sushumna channel at the Muladhara chakra, interwine up through all chakras and meet with the Sarasvati, becoming one at Ajna Chakra. This brings the sense of oneness and of unity with the cosmic laws that appear in the plane of austerity. They then again separate, running into the left and right nostrils.
The presiding deity is Ardhanarishvara, the half-male, half-female Shiva-Shakti, symbolic of basic polarity; the right side is male and the left side, female. Ardhanarishvara stands in a lingam known as Itara Lingam. The lingam is shining white, like the color of light. The male half of Ardhanarishvara has camphor-blue skin. He holds a trident in his right hand, representing the three aspects of consciousness : cognition, conation, and affection.
The female side of Ardhanarishvara is pink. She wears a red sari, and about her neck and arms are wound shining golden ornaments. She holds a pink lotus, a symbol of purity. All duality has ceased. Shiva has total command over all aspects of the self in this plane of liberation, or moksha. The third eye of Shiva is called sva-netra, the organ of clairvoyance. Becoming Sada-Shiva, the eternal one, Shiva is no longer separate from Shakti as a separate male entity. Devata Shiva is the granter of knowledge. This knowledge brings the breath (prana) and the mind under control of Ardhanarishvara.
The energy is Hakini. Hakini Shakti has four arms and six heads. Her skin is pale pink, and her jewelry is golden and shines with gems. Wearing a red sari, she sits on a pink lotus with her left foot raised. She imparts the knowledge of unconditional truth, the awareness of nonduality.It is sublime and eternal bliss,that is why in every literature of the goddess the chakra ajna is given importance repeating it over and over again the concept of oneness.
Her eyebrows are like the beautiful entrance arches to the palace of kamaraja
Her eyebrows are like the beautiful entrance arches to the palace of kamaraja
Her eyebrows are referred to the entrances arches of kama.The human body, with all its biological and psycho-mental processes, is only an instrument in which and through which the cosmic forces operate. The individual human structure and the outer macrocosmic manifestation, or Universe, are similar. Therefore all that exists in the Universe should also exist in a certain form and proportion in the microcosm, i.e. the human body.The divine couple is unified in this body near the eyebrows. Shiva-Shakti corresponds to two essential aspects of the One: the masculine principle, which represents the abiding aspect of God, and the feminine principle, which represents Its Energy, the Force which acts in the manifested world, life itself considered at a cosmic level. Tantra symbolizes this aspect by comparing the couple Shiva and Shakti with a seed of grain (CHANAKA). Such a seed is made up of two halves so closely linked that they seem one, and one single cover covers them. Symbolically, the two halves represent Shiva and Shakti, the cover represents Maya (the cosmic illusion). When the cover is on, the two halves are separated, but the cover goes off when the seed is about to germinate, unifying thus the two halves in one. This unification is glorified and the path is established through the eyebrows.
Jagat suthe dhata harir avati rudrah kshapayate
Tiraskurvan etat svam api vapurisastirayati;
Sada-purvah sarvam tad idamanugrhnati cha Shiva-
Stavajnam aalambya kshana-chalitayor bhru-latikayoh.
Brahma creates the world,
Brahma creates the world,
Vishnu looks after it,
Shiva destroys it,
Easwara makes them disappear,
And also disappears himself,And Sadshiva blesses them all,
By your order given to him,
By a momentary move of your eyebrows.
Her eyes are like fishes playing in the tank of the beauty of her face.
Her eyes are like fishes playing in the tank of the beauty of her face.
The eyes are the windows of the heart and mind.so by comparing her eyes which is mystic and conquering it is only justified when it is compared to love and compassion,because her dancing eyes encloses the love for mankind.This point is again stressed in soundarya lahiri where the eyes are compared to the eyes of the deer but the underlying current is love and compassion.
Thanuschayabhi sthe tharuna-tharuni –srisarinibhi
Divam sarva-murvi-marunimani magnam smaranthi ya
Bhavanthasya thrasya-dhwana-harina shaleena nayana
Sahervasya vasya kathikathi na geervana Ganika
He who meditates on,
He who meditates on,
The luster of your beautiful body,
Which is blessed by the rising sun,
And which dissolves the sky and the world,
In light purple hue,
Makes celestial damsels like Uravasi and others,
Who have eyes like the wild startled deer,
Follow him like slaves.
Her nose is like a newly bloomed Campaka flower
Her nose is like a newly bloomed Campaka flower
Campaka is the native of India and it is the flower of vishnu and its fragrance is felt totally on a wet rainy day.so this comparision helps us to understand her and her ways.The senses of knowledge and the organs of action are situated in the subtle body and their presence is inferred by the effects that we observe externally in the form of perception and action. They themselves are not perceived, as they are constituted of the subtle elements. The subtle elements being fragrance ,colour sighting all are within the cosmos of the mind and which is controlled by her.
She is shining with jewels on her nose which excel the stars in splendor and brilliance
She is shining with jewels on her nose which excel the stars in splendor and brilliance
The state of Pure Existence appears to some as non-existence, inasmuch as it is a negation of all names and forms and the mind finds it impossible to conceive of a thing which has no names and forms. The mind gets stupefied when it is confronted with an indeterminate Absolute, because it is never used to such an experience.The glittering jewels is the reminder of her uniqueness and her intimacy with shiva and who promises to avoid birth and death to those who have adored her and adi shankar therefore puts forth this in his praise for her,thus
Sudha-sindhor madhye sura-vitapi-vati parivrte
Mani-dweepe nipo’pavana-vathi chintamani-grhe;
Shivaakare manche Parama-Shiva-paryanka-nilayam
Bhajanti tvam dhanyah katichana chid-ananda-laharim.
In the middle of the sea of nectar,In the isle of precious gems,
In the middle of the sea of nectar,In the isle of precious gems,
Which is surrounded by wish giving Kalpaga trees,
In the garden Kadamba trees,
In the house of the gem of thought,
On the all holy seat of the lap of the great God Shiva,
Sits she who is like a tide
In the sea of happiness of ultimate truth,
And is worshipped by only a few select holy men.