Friday 25 December 2009

Lalitha sahasranamam - 109

She who likes worship by her devotees
Here I would like to bring to light devi's speech on worship as in devi gita:
"I now describe to you the rites and ceremonies and the methods of My worship that are pleasing to Me. Hear it attentively and with fai th. My worship in of two kinds:--External and internal. The external worship is again twofold: one is Vaidik, and the other is Tântrik. The Vaidik worship is also of two kinds according to the differences in My forms. Those who are initiated in the Vedic Mantrams worship according to the Vedic rites and ceremonies and those who are initiated in the Tântrik-Mantram worship; according to the Tântrik rites. That stupid man is entirely ruined and goes to Hell who knowing the secrets of worship, act contrary to them. First I will describe to you the Vaidik worship; hear. The highest Form of Mine that you saw before, with innumerable heads, innumerable eyes, innumerable feet, and the Illuminer of the intelligenees of all the Jîvas, endowed with all powers, Higher than the Highest, Very Grand, worship That, bow down to That and meditate on That. O Nagendra! This is the first form of worship that I describe to you. With your senses controlled, peaceful, with a well concentrated mind, void of egoism and vanity, and devoted to That, perform sacrifices to That,, take refuge of That, see That within the temple of your mind, and always recite Her name and meditate on that. Take hold of Me, and My ideas with one pointed loving devotion and please Me with the performance of sacrifices, austerities and gifts. By My Grace, you will no doubt be able to get the Final Liberation. Whoever is entirely attached to Me, thinking Me as the Highest, is the foremost amongst the Bhaktas. I promise that I will certainly deliver him from this ocean of the world. Meditation with Karma and Jñâna with Bhakti will lead one to Me. Only the work alone will fail to get one to Me. From Dharma arises Bhakti and from Bhakti arises the Highest Jñâna. What are said in the S'ruti and Smriti S'astras the Maharsis take that as the Dharma; and what are written in other S'astras, they take them to be Dharmâbhâsa (the Shadow or reflection of Dharma). Out of My omniscient and omnipotent Nature, the Vedas have come. Owing to the want of Ignorance in Me, the Vedas can never be invalidated. The Smritis are formed out of the meaning of the Vedas; so the Smritii and Purânas, formed, by Manu and the other Risis, are authoritative. In some places it is hinted that there other S'astras than the Vedas, taking the Tantras indirectly into account. Although the matters relating to the Dharmas are mentioned therein, but as they are apparently contrary to the S'rutis, the Tantras are not accepted by the Vaidik Pundits. The other S'âstra makers are marked with their ignorance; so their sayings cannot be authoritative. Therefore he must resort entirely to the Vedas who want the final liberation. As the king's order is never disobeyed amongst his subjects, so the S'ruti, the Command of Mine, the Lord of all, can never be abandoned by men.
My secrets are all embodied in the S'rutis. For that reason, the words of the S'rutis are no doubt to be known and observed by the sages. O Mountain! When the Dharma (righteousness) declines and the Adharma (unrighteousness) reigns supreme, I then manifest Myself in the world as Sâkambharî, Râma, Krisna and others. Therefore, the Devas, the preservers of the Vedas, and the Daityas, the destroyers of the Vedas are classified. Whoever does not practise according to the Vedas I have created many hells for their lessons. When the sinners hear of those hells, they get extremely terrified. The S'âstras that are extant, as contrary to the S'rutis and Smritis, are all Tâmasa S'âstras, Mahâdeva has framed these Vâma, Kâpâlak, Kaulaks, Bhairava and such like S'astras for fascinating the people; else he has no object in framing thein. Those Brânmans that were burnt up by the curses of Daksa, S'ukra, Dadhîchi and were banished from the path of the Vedas, it is for delivering them, step by step that Mahâdeva has framed the five Âgamas, S'aiva, Vaisnava, S'aura, S'âtta and Gânapatya S'âstras.
In those Tantra S'âstras, there are some passages in conformity with the Vedas and there are other passages contradictory to the Vedas. If the Vaidik persons resort to passages in conformity with the Veda, then there cannot arise any fault in them. The Brâhmins are not Adhikâris to those Tântric texts that are contradictory to the Vedas. Those persons that have no claim to the Vedas can be Adhikâris to these latter texts. Therefore the Vaidik Brâhmanas should resort to the Vedas with all the care possible and make the Para Brahma ot the nature of Jñâna manifest within them. The Sanynsins, Vânaprasthas, householders and Brâhmachâris should give up all their desires and take refuge in Me; free from egoism and vanity, kind to all creatures, their hearts wholly given to Me and engaged in speaking out My places with enrapt devotion. They always worship My Virât (Cosmic) form, immersed in the Yoga called Ais'varya Yoga (Cosmic Yoga dealing with the glories, prosperity of god). Illumine the understanding with the Sun of My Consciousness, and I destroy the Darkness of Ignorance of those persons that are always engaged in practising Yoga with Me. There is no doubt in this. O Nagendra! Thus I have described in brief the methods and practises of the Vaidik Pûjâ; now I will tell you the Tântrikî Pûjâ; hear attentively.
On an image, or clean plot of ground, or on the Sun or the Moon, in water, in Vâna Linga, in Yantra or on a cloth or in the lotus of heart, one is to meditate and worship the Blissful, Higher than the Highest, the Devî, Who creates this universe with the three Gunas Sattva, Raja and Tama, Who is filled with the juice of mercy, Who is blooming in youth, Whose colour is red like the rising Sun, Whose beauty overtops to the full, Whose all the limbs are exquisitely beautiful, Who is the sentiment of Love Incarnate, Who feels very much for the mental pain of Her Bhaktas on Who being pleased, manifests Herself before the Bhaktas on Whose forehead, the segment of the Moon shines incessantly, and Whose four hands hold goad, noose and the signs of fearlessness and to grant boons. Until one is entitled to the internal worship, one should worship the external; never he is to abandon it. Worship is internal when ones, heart gets diluted in Para Brahma, of the nature of the Universal Consciousness, know My Consciousness (Samvit) to
be My Highest Nature without any limitations. Therefore it is highly incumbent to attach one's hearts, free from other adjuncts, constantly to this Samvit. And what is more than this Samvit is this illusive world full of Mâyâ. So to get rid of this world one is to constantly meditate on Me, the Witness of all, the Self of all, with a heart full of devotiou and free from any Sankalaps or desires.
Now I will describe to you in detail the external form of worship. Hear attentively.
The Devî said:--Getting up from the bed early in the morning, one is to meditate on the thousand petalled lotus, bright, of the colour of camphor, in the top part his brain on the head. On this he should remember his S'rî Guru, very gracious looking, well decorated with ornaments, with His Consort S'akti and bow down to Him and within Him he should meditate the Kundalinî Devî thus --"I take refuge unto that Highest S'akti Kundalinî, of the nature of the Supreme Consciousness, Who is manifestm Chaityana while up-going to the Brahmarandhra (the aperture supposed to be at the crown of the head, through which the soul takes its flight at death) and Who is of the nature of nectar while returning back in the Susumnâ canal. After meditating thus, he should meditate on the Blissful Form of Mine within the Kundalinî Fire stuatea in the Mulâdhâra Lotus (coccygeal lotus). Then he should rise up to go for the calls of nature, etc., and complete Sandhyâ, Bandanams and other duties. The best of the Brâhmins, then, should for My satisfaction perform the Agnihotra Homa and sitting in his Âsana do Sankalap (determination) to do My Pûjâ (Worship).
N. B.--The brain has three divisions, the lower, the middle and the higher, or top-most part which is very pure.
Next he is to make Bhûta S'uddhi (purification of elements of the body by respiratory attraction and replacement) and then the Mâtrikâ Nyasa, Then he should arrange the letters of the root Mantra of Mâyâ and execute the Hrîllekhâ Mâtrikâ Nyâsa. In this he is to place the letter "Ha" in the Mulâdhâra, the letter "Ra" in his heart and the vowel "î" in the middle of his brows aud, Hrîm on the top part of his head. Finishing then all the other Nyâsas according to that Mantra, he should think within his body Dharma, Jñâna, Vairâgyam, and Prosperity as the four legs of the seat and Adharma, Ajñâna, Avairâgyam and non-prosperity, these four as the body of the seat on the four quarters East, South, West and North. Then he should meditate on the Great Devî in the lotus of his heart blewn by Prânâyâma, situated on the five seats of the Pretas. Brahmâ, Visnu, Rudra, Sadâs'iva and Îs'vara are the five Pretas situated under My feet.
These are of the nature of earth, water, fire, air, and ether, the five elements and also of the nature of Jâgrat (waking), Svapna (dreaming) Susupti (deep sleep state) Turiyâ (the fourth state) and Atîta Rûpa, the (the fifth state) excluding the 4 states, corresponding to the five states. But I, who am of the nature of Brahma, am over and above the five elements and the five states; therefore My Seat is always or. the top of these five forces.
Meditating on Me thus and worshipping Me with his mind concentrated, he is next to do Japam (reciting My name slowly). After Japam he is to make over the fruits of Japam to Me. He should then place the Arghya for the external worship.
Then the worshipper is to sprinkle vith the Astra mantra 'Phat', all the articles of worship that are placed in front of him and purify them.
He should close the ten quarters with the Chbotikâ Mudrâ and bow down to his Guru. Taking his permission, he should meditate on the outside seat, the beauiful divine form of his heart lotus and invoke the Deity outside and place Her on the seat by Prâna Pratisthâ and perforn Âvâhana, and present to Her Arghya (an offer of green grass, rice, etc., made in worshipping a god), Pâdya (water for washing legs and feet), Âchaman, water for bath, a couple of clothes, all sorts of ornaments, or scents, flowers and the necessary articles with due devotion and he should worship the attendant deities of the Yantra. If one be unable to worship daily the attendant deities, one must worship them on Friday.
Of the attendant deities, one must meditate the principal deity of the nature of Prabhâ (illumination) and think that by Her rays the three worlds are pervaded.
Next he should worship again the Bhuvaues'vari Devî, the Chief Deity along with other attendant deities with scent, good smelling flowers; and Naivedya and various other tasteful dishes.
He should then recite the Sahasranâma (thousand names) stotra and the Devî Sûkta Mantra "Aham Rudrebhih, etc.," and "Sarve vai Devâ Devî mupatasthuh etc.," the Devî Atharva S'iro Mantra and the Upanisads' Mantra of Bhuvanes'varî, the famous mantras, repeatedly and thus bring My satisfaction.
With hearts filled with love and with hairs standing on their ends all should satisfy Me frequently with tears of love flowing from their eyes and with voice choked with feelings and with dancing music and singing and with his whole body filled with joy.
My glory is well established in the Veda Pârâyana and in all the Purânas. So for My satisfaction, one should offer daily to Me one's everything with one's body and recite the readings from the Vedas.
Next, after completing the Homa offerings, he should feed the Brâhmanas, tha young virgins well clothed, the boys and the public and the poor, thinking all of them to be so many forms of the Devî. Than he should bow before the Devî that resides in his heart and finally by Samhâra Mudrâ take leave of the Deity invoked.
One of good vows! The Hrîllekhâ Mantra (Hrîm) is the chief of all mântrams; so My worship and all other actions ought to be performed with this Hrîllekhâ Mantram.
I am always reflected in this Mirror of Hrîllekhâ form; so anything offered in this Hrîllekhâ Mantra of Mine is offered as it were with all the Mantras. Then one should worship the Guru with ornaments, etc., and think oneself blessed.
Nothing remains at any time unavailable to him who worships thus the Bhuvanes'varî Devî. After quitting his body, he goes to theMani Dvîpa, My Place. He gets the form of the Devî; and the Devas constantly bow down to him.
Thus I have described to you the rules of worshipping the Great Devî; consider this in all the aspects and worship Me according to your Adhikâra (claim) and you will attain your Goal. There is no doubt in this. This Devî Gîtâ ought to be given to A disciple, a Bhakta, the eldest son, and
to one who is good natured, and well dressed and devoted to the Devî. In the time of S'râddha (solemn obsequies performed in honour of the manes of deceased ancestors) he gets the highest place of the Pitris who reads this Devî Gîtâ before the Brâhmanas. The Devî vanished there after describing all these.
This gives the readers an idea of what she really expects from her devotees.When these forms of worships are performed she will be pleased and she will defintely fulfill our wishes and stand with us in times of trouble.