Monday 30 November 2009

Lalitha sahasranamam - 102

She who breaks the ties of Vishnu grandhi i.e she who helps us cross the ties due to our position.
Within the sushumna there are three granthis or psychic/pranic knots which prevent the passage of kundalini shakti. Another is in anahata chakra and it causes the desire for emotional security, expression and fulfilment. It is called Vishnu granthi. Let us look at kundalini in the light of the grandhis because here when we mention about vishnu grandhi vibedhini what we are trying to say that sakthi in the form of kundalini leads us into eternity untying the knots and freeing us from emotions expressions and attachment.
Kundalini Yoga is another beautiful system. Rather it can be called phenomena because it happens on its own accord. Whatever stress and pressure we give, it may not arise. It will work out on the maturity of inner Self.Kundalini has two forms –1. Energy Form – SAKTHI.
2. Conscience Form – Chaitanya.But it originates from Mooladhara. It resides and sleeps always in the Mooladhara centre. When awakened it produces enormous energy. It yields thousand and one super natural powers. Thus it is called Sakthi Peeth, the seat of all powers. IT HAPPENS ONLY WHEN THE KUNDALINI POWER REACHES SAHASRARA – THE HEAD CENTRE, TOUCHING ALL OTHER CENTRES IN THE MID WAY. There it causes Self-realization. There are ultimate Truth unravels surprisingly. Some adore and worship in the form of goddess as Sri Chakra and Sri Vidya. Some other meditates through yoga channels and discovers it as Higher Consciousness.Mooladhara resembles a lotus. In the centre of the lotus there will be triangle. The triangle is filled with vacuum. In the vacuum lies Kundalini energy invisible. It is described as coiled three and half rounds. Those three coils represent the qualities of Parasakthi; the remaining half coil represents unnaturality – Vikruthi.The Kundalini looks like bulb or a pot. FROM THE CENTRE OF THAT BULB RIGHT UPTO THE CENTRE OF HEAD, THERE IS A SUBTLE TUBE CALLED SUSHUMNA. The Kundalini lies in between the generating organ and Anus. It is of three and half inches size. Nearly 72 thousand nerves start from there and reach to different parts of the body. Of all the nadies (nerves), IDA, PINGALA 7 SUSHUMNA ARE VERY VERY IMPORTANT.IDA is on the RIGHT SIDE of the Spinal Column. PINGALA on LEFT SIDE of the spinal column. BOTH OF THEM EXCHANGE THEIR ROUTES AT EVERY CENTRE. Finally, all the three (including Sushumna) join together ate the CENTRE BETWEEN THE EYE-BROWS. After changing their routes, they descend into the nostrils. Here IDA represents the MOON, PINGALA the SUN. They release cool and warm breaths successively.Tradition speaks of these centres thus:The first Chakra, MOOLADHARA, the prime one looks like a lotus with four petals. In it lies the Kundalini coiled three and a half rounds. It is a vacuum chamber where shine a thousand suns. It has EARTH nature. The presiding deity is Brahma. Its ruling power is Dhakini. ‘LAM’ is the basic sound.The second Chakra or centre is SWADHISTANA. It is a lotus with six petals. It has WATERY nature. The presiding deity is Vishnu, residing power is Rakini. Its basic sound is ‘VAM’.The third ‘MANIPOORAKA’ is the naval centre. It is a lotus with ten Petals. FIRE is its nature. The presiding deity is Rudra, residing power is Lakini. Its basic sound is ‘RAM’.The fourth centre is called ANAHATA. The representing lotus contains Twelve petals. Its nature is AIR. The presiding deity is Isa, residing power is of Kakini. It basic sound is ‘YAM’. It is also called the Heart Centre. It is the heart of Yoga too.The fifth Centre is VISUDDHI, neck centre. It has sixteen petals. Its Character is ETHER. The presiding deity is Sadashiva, residing power Sakini. The basic sound is ‘HAM’.The sixth centre is AGNA. It is the central point between the two eyebrows. This is two petalled lotus. The deity is Sambhu. Its residing power is Hakini. The basic sound is Pranav i.e., AUM. It represents MIND.The seventh and last is at the top of the head. It is called SAHASRAHARA – A thousand petalled lotus. It is said to be residence of Parama Shiva. The Kundalini energy that arises from Mooladhara (first centre) merges with Shiva in Sahasrahara (seventh centre.) This MEETING CAUSES TRANCE. When Shiva and Sakthi unite, the greatest happening takes place. It produces divine nectar. By tasting the nectar a Yogi can continue to live in the trance without food, water and any other physical needs. He can live a thousand years and attain Physical Immortality.Traditional Yoga Sadhakas, by practice of Pranayama and Asanas try to give pressure on Kundalini. Really it is the Sadhana (practice) that helps them to reach the Goal. One has to pass all the Six Centres. At each centre he takes rest for some time. A Yogi by his Self can chase BRAHMA GRANDHI of Mooladhara, VISHNU GRANDHI of Manipooraka and RUDRA GRANDHI of Visuddhi. These Grandhies look like hard-fastened Knots. They naturally obstruct the passage of Kundalini Power in ascendancy (towards up). They even create hardships. Even the Kundalini energy does not stay in Sahasrara for a long time. Its stay in Sahasrara depends upon the dedication and sincerity of the Sadhaka. The purified one will go further. Many Sadhakas drop at various centres. The reason is simple. At each centre the Yogi feels that he has reached the goal, and has attained divinity in full and became all-powerful. Because at every step he acquires some Supernatural powers that add feathers to his EGO cap. Moreover the worldly pleasures, popularity and riches tempt him. Sahasrara must be the final goal to all Sadhakas.A yogi should develop yoga consciousness.He should feel and continue to live in the stream of yoga consciousness. In the beginning,thethe practice will be dull and he may not get any sort of encouragement from the corner.He will have no experiences.moreover he will face opposition from some long as we entertain negative thoughts we dont' progress at all.there will be no spur.yet the mind,prana,life and kundalini energy all the four will move higher and higher as one reaches each centre he'll recieve help and encouragement from within.That is the real mystery.that is called mystic help.that is an indication for spiritual progress.that invisible power will stand by him and guard him always.If we keep all our confidence in that visible power,it will extend all help without that we cannot proceed.
If a Yogi can BORE the Mooladhara, he can win the world. That means he can cross all the physical and worldly barriers.As he enters Swadthisthana he can win water qualities. That means he enters Bhuvarloka.When he reaches Manipooraka he can succeed Agni. That means fire cannot burn him. It shows that he has reached imbibe Heaven. He’ll imbibe divine qualities in full.When he crosses Anahata centre, he can win Vayu (air) qualities. He can float in air. He can live without air, without breath. That means he reaches Maha Loka.Visuddhi centre is Etheric. A Yogi that reaches Visuddhi will have an Etheric body. He can live with that body any number of years. He can even come back and bear the physical form, if he so desires.A Yogi when reaches Agna Centre settles in Tapoloka. Almost, he reaches the eternal stage.The next one is Satya Loka, which is in between Agna and Sahasrahara. There exists some other centres namely Guru, Soma, Lalna, Manas etc..In the Sahasrahara centre or Chakra, the Kundalini or the individual energy unites with Eternal Shiva Sakthi.The kundalini energy gains additional power as it touches each centre.As it purifies,it sheds more light.The yogi could exercise more and more super natural powers for the benefit of the public.Atevery centre,he will experience divinity.The yogi must be cautious and must have control over his emotions.He must move away from temptations.He should not care for the super natural powers.It is better to forget them all.Spirituality is like a should grow naturally only then it would yeild flowers and fruitsArtifical ways and means are dangerous.In regard to kundalini weshould not allow any stress.Our business isonly to control ourdesires.and wants,to controlour emotions. THE KUNDALINI WILL KINDLE ON ITS OWN ACCORD. THAT WILL REJUVENATE CONSCIENCE. ONE MUST CLEANSE HIS INNER SELF. SINCERE PRACTICE IS REQUIRED. CLEAR AND PROPER UNDERSTANDING IS ESSENTIAL. ABOVE ALL, ONE MUST HAVE A GURU WHO SCALED ALL THE PEAKS AND WHO ASCENDED ALL HEIGHTS. WE SHOULD HAVE PATIENCE.KUNDALINI ENERGY MAY ASCENT IN FOUR DIFFERENT ROUTES. THE LONGEST OF ALL IS FROM MOOLADHARA TO SAHASRARA THROUGH VERTEBRAL COLUMN. THIS IS THEMOST DIFFICULT AND ARDUOUS PATH. BUT A YOGI WILL ACQUIRE ALMOST ALL SUPER NATURAL POWERS AND SIDDHIES IN THIS ROUTE.THE SHORTEST ROUTE IS FROM AGNA TO SAHASRAHARA.THE THIRD ONE IS FROM ANAHATA TO SAHASRAHARA.THE LAST AND FINAL ONE IS AGAIN FROM MOOLADHARA TO SAHASRAHRA IN THE FRONT SIDE.
Generally the Guru touches at the Agna centre or Anahata centre at the time of Initiation. Thereafter the student starts meditation from those centres. If Yoga is done at the Agna, the lower centres automatically come into action. They open without any effort on the past of the sadhaka. When the Kundalini energy kindles the Guru, Soma, Manas and Lalna Chakras, the Yogi hears peculiar sounds, sees distinct and different scenes. He will acquire a number of Psychic faculties. He can even see a brilliant Jyothi in Agna. He feels a Thousand Suns glow in Mooladhara. At that juncture he should have bravery, possess compassion, love obedience and simplicity. When he filled with these qualities, the Kundalini power comes up like fountain waters. Without high values and morale in life nobody can claim any mystical powers.This high values and morale can be achieved only with her help and that is why it is said she is vishnu grandhi vibedhini.